The Pas OCN Chamber of Commerce

Our Programs & Events​

Lunch & Learn Sessions
April 9th, 2025

Library Annex (side door)
53 Edwards Ave.

Join our monthly midday events, where we provide lunch and valuable insights from expert speakers. Network with local professionals, gain practical tips to grow your business or organization, and build stronger community connections. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and connect!

Guest Speaker: TBD

More details to come soon!

"Lunch & Learn - Monthly lunches with engaging guest speakers". Business people talking at a table while eating a nice lunch

Annual Trade Show & Sale
May 8-10th, 2025

Roy H. Johnson Arena
523 Smith Avenue, The Pas, MB

This event serves as a platform for businesses to network, showcase products, and engage with the community. It promotes economic development, offers educational opportunities, and fosters connections between businesses and customers.

Early Bird Deadline: March 31st!
Registration Deadline: April 30th.

Trade Show Hours:
Thursday, May 8th – 5pm to 8pm
Friday, May 9th – Noon to 8pm
Saturday, May 10th – 10am to 4pm

Spaces are filling up fast so Register Early!

Community Futures Cedar Lake is inspiring young entrepreneurs aged 6-15 with hands-on experience in starting and running their own businesses. We aim to grow future business leaders and spark interest in entrepreneurship as a career!

Saturday, May 10th – 11am to 2pm

Location: RHJ Arena Lobby

Register Your Kids Here!
Deadline: April 18th

Annual Scholarships

Online Applications are now OPEN!

We are committed to supporting the educational goals of students within our tri-community. Our scholarship program is open to students pursuing any field of study, recognizing the diverse interests and aspirations of our future leaders.

The Chamber will award up to three $1,000 scholarships.

Deadline to apply is May 16th at 9:00 AM. Recipients will be informed no later than June 15th.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a resident of The Pas, Opaskwayak or the RM of Kelsey.
  • Preference may be given to those who are or have a family member who is a current Chamber Member.
  • Be attending your 1st year of post secondary education at a University, College, Trade or Technical School.
  • Completion of the online application form.
girl throwing up her graduation cap

Fun Golf Tournament
August, 2025

Halcrow Lake Golf & Country Club 14 Golf Course Road, The Pas, MB

This annual event is designed for our members and other community members to have fun and maybe get a bit competitive.

Expect more details in June.

Details to come…

golf ball with chamber logo and name of the event

AGM & Awards Ceremony November, 2025

2025 details coming in the fall.

This annual event is designed for our Chamber Members and other community members to celebrate the accomplishments of the previous year and look forward to the next.

We currently give out two important awards: The Citizen of the Year and the Business of the Year. The 2025 nominations will open in spring.

Citizen of the Year – Lorraine Ballantyne Packo

Business of the Year – The Lion’s Dish

2024 awards ceremony with recipients Lorraine Ballentyne Packo (Citizen of the year), Lion's Dish owner's Tamara and Shawn Routledge (Business of the year) and Chamber President Dan Quesnel.

The Chamber of Commerce Chamber Plan

Canada’s leading group benefit plan for 1-50+ employees.

The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan allows small to midsize businesses to protect their employees with group benefits, including Health and Dental insurance, easily and affordably.

Andrew L.J. Johnson, B. Comm (Hons), CFP
AC Maverick Wealth Management
Address: 559 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3L6
Office: 204-219-7456
Cellular: 204-955-0162

boardroom of happy people at a meeting

About Us

Mission Statement

To educate and develop the economic, civic, cultural and social welfare for the citizens of The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation and the Rural Municipality of Kelsey.

Join The Team

If you are interested in joining our Board, there are many roles that could suit you. For more information, contact Sandra at 431-355-0645 (call/text), or download the application below.


Located within The Town of The Pas Municipal building at 81 Edwards Avenue, The Pas.

Treaty 5

We acknowledge, respect and have the honour of working on lands in Treaty 5 Territory, a treaty that was first negotiated and entered into in 1875. Treaty 5 Territory is the traditional and ancestral lands for many Indigenous peoples, including the Cree and Métis. In a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration, we all work as one.

Our Partners & Area Resources